17.4 - Red Belt Patterns

17.4.1 - Palgue Chil Jang - A 23 stage pattern (Have Ability)

Palgue Chil Jang from the Joon Be position:

  1. Advance left front stance, Mountain block, by crossing wrists, right over left, in front of chest, palms in, then sweep both forearms down and outward, snapping wrists around into position with fists palm in at arms length a little in front and out to the sides of the thighs. You block with the outer edges of the forearms, near the wrists.
  2. Right high front thrust kick; Drop from front kick into right front stance, execute double outward middle block, by crossing wrists right over left in front of chest, fists palm out, then sweep both arms outward, snapping wrists around into position with fists palm in on a level with and out in front of the shoulders. You block with the inner edge of both forearms.
  3. Left high front thrust kick, drop down into left front stance, execute high x-block, right over left.
  4. Right high side kick, right high punch, drop down to right back stance, right middle double soo do block
  5. Turn 270 back to face right, back stance, left outward block
  6. Slide left foot forward 1/2 step into left front stance; Right high punch.
  7. Left high block
  8. Right high sidekick with right high punch, drop down into right backstance, right low double soo do.
  9. Advance 1/2 step with right foot into right front stance, left middle punch.
  10. Pivoting on left foot, turn 180 degrees back by sliding right foot out and back in a wide arc, assume back stance and right outward block.
  11. Slide right foot forward 1/2 step into right front stance, left high punch.
  12. Right high block.
  13. Left high sidekick with left high punch, drop down into left backstance, left low double soo do.
  14. Advance 1/2 step with left foot into left front stance, right middle punch.
  15. Turn back left 90 into left front stance, low x-block (right over left).
  16. High x-block.
  17. Open and close hands and turn left wrist under right - you are grabbing, and twisting, the wrist of an imaginary opponent... pull right back, and right high punch & kihap.
  18. Pivoting on left foot, raise right foot and turn 360 degrees (all the way around) to the left, bringing right foot down with a stomp. Assume horse stance, eyes towards starting location, right low block.
  19. Pivot on the ball of the right foot and shift the left foot back, turning 180, into left front stance. Left outward soo do to neck, palm DOWN.
  20. Right crescent kick to extended palm of left hand, turning the previous soo do to meet the crescent kick. Bring the right foot down into right-facing horse and right elbow strike into left palm.
  21. Shuffle back towards start 1/2 step, looking left, scissor block (right outward block, left low block).
  22. Shuffle feet back towards start 1/2 step, assume left backstance facing forward (turn 90 left), left double middle soo do block.
  23. Slide left foot forward 1/2 step into left front stance, right middle punch & kihap.
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