12.4 - Second Yellow Belt Patterns

12.4.1 - Palgue E Jang - A 20 stage pattern (Feel Rightly)

Palgue E Jang from the Joon Be position:

X Chamber, left over right

  1. Turn ccw 90, frontstance, left highblock
  2. right front kick, frontstance, right middlepunch
    (b) x chamber, right over left
  3. Turn cw 180, frontstance, right highblock...
  4. Left front kick, frontstance, left middlepunch
    (b) seize the chicken
  5. Turn ccw 90, backstance, double soodo lowblock (left leads)
  6. Advance to backstance, double soodo middleblock (right leads)
  7. Advance to frontstance, left highblock
  8. Advance to frontstance, right middlepunch - Kihap
    (b) X chamber, left over right
  9. Turn ccw 270, frontstance, left highblock
  10. Right frontkick, frontstance, middlepunch
    (b) x chamber, right over left
  11. Turn cw 180, frontstance, right highblock
  12. Left front kick, frontstance, middlepunch
    (b) fist the chicken
  13. Turn ccw 90, backstance, double fist lowblock (left leads)
  14. Advance backstance, double fist middleblock
  15. Advance frontstance, left inward middleblock
  16. Advance frontstance, middlepunch - Kihap
    (b) x chamber, left over right
  17. Turn ccw 270, frontstance, highblock
  18. Right front kick, drop to frontstance, right middlepunch
  19. Turn cw 180, frontstance, highblock
  20. Left front kick, drop to frontstance, left middlepunch
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